Python requires lots of libraries in its usage, sometimes its not possible or convenient to install this in the system directly.
Luckily there is a python tool that lets you circumvent this rather easily, virtualenv
If possible I find it convenient to install this tool with the systems package manager, sometimes this isn't possible either so then it can be installed locally
Creation of environment
LocalInstall of virtualenv
- Go to downloadpage and download desired version of the package
Unpack the files in an desired location:
tar xz < virtualenv-16.0.0.tar.gz
Enter the folder and use the command to create an python virtual environment:
cd virtualenv-16.0.0 python testing_env
Systeminstall of virtualenv
Use your systems packagemanager to install virtualenv and then simply run in wherever desired to create an environment:
virtualenv testing_env
Using the created environment
Activate the environment:
. ./testing_env/bin/activate
Its now possible to install packages locally with pip into the activated environment:
pip install docutils
Any python code running now till have access to the docutils library without needing to install it in the system or require elevated permissions
To disengage the virtualenv: